Tantric sex is all about the meeting of the mind body and soul for you to experience the most amazing orgasms. Think of tantric gay sex as a slower pace of pleasure that combines with a sensual orgasmic experience. The rhythmic motions and slower sensuality of a skilled gay escort who can perform tantric gay sex is surely a joy every gay man must experience.

Gay Tantric Massage

At its heart Tantra start with a simple massage that then builds to create a rhythmic tension and pushes on all the pleasure buttons a man has and holds it there in suspeneded pleasure before releasing for the most intense and pleasurable orgasm imaginable.

Gay Massage is Great

On top of the simple but extraordinary pleasures of the sensual and sexual side of tantric massage, the benefits of gay massage in general have been known throughout history and for good reason. Massage is beneficial to your health, it increases blood circulation by stimulating the muscles, which in turn supplies oxygen to tissue, which then speeds up metabolism and the activation and formation of feel good vitamin D.

Wellbeing and Sexual Gratification

Combining the wellbeing aspects of massage from an experienced and sensual tantric massage expert with sexual pleasure is an experience every man should enjoy. The term Tantric Massage is used to describe such a combination. A sensual massage with an intense and relaxing sexual release, it can also be known as an erotic massage or sometimes simply as a Gay Massage. While these descriptions are used, a gay tantric massage really goes deeper – and can be profoundly affecting when delivered by a skilled tantric gay escort.

Spirituality and Sensuality

Gay Tantric Massage is revered as being a path to spiritual awakening, sacred to sexuality and consciousness, and has been practiced for over five thousand years. It’s a meditative form of touch, and a union between two people, one that stimulates all the senses, uniting energies that stimulate, relax and arouse, combined with a sexual healing energy to bring all tour senses into the light.

This type of massage is a conscious experience that is based upon the principle that the body, spirit and soul form a unity – and tantra is spirituality. Tantra works with various chakras but energy is transferred to the heart chakra and it is here that it will transform into true love.

Explosive and Lasting Orgasms

For men, Tantric Massages can consist of stimulating the prostate. This is not only beneficial for a man’s health, but can provide the strongest, and longest, orgasms a man can achieve – or even multiple orgasms. This can cause men to experience the sensations of orgasm without actually climaxing, and when they do, they experience an orgasm so strong and long that it is referred to as a spiritual sexual awakening.

Gay Tantric Escorts

For gay men who want to experience something more when getting a gay massage, discover deeper and more pleasurable orgasms and feel better and more refreshed after gay sex then finding a gay escort who can deliver an outstanding gay tantric experience is a must.