Why do Men Use Gay Escorts?

What a question! And while, the simple answer is because they want to have great uncomplicated gay sex, there is much more to it than that. One thing that all gay escorts agree on is that there is no one type of man who books a gay escort. They all have their own...

Simple Cock Rings Give Great Pleasure

Gay Sex toys have become more and more elaborate as the years have gone on. Vibrating toys, pounding toys, inflatable toys, remote control toys are all exciting and have great novelty value but there is something quite freeing about going back to basics and using sex...

Summer Sex Toy Options

To be honest we think the best sex toy may just be a sexy escort, but there are also some amazing sex toys out there just waiting to be played with on your summer adventures. Whether you’re heading to an exotic land, with soaring temperatures – or you are...