Gay Porn is amazing, (sometimes) it can turn us on, let us have a quick wank or let us explore our gay sex fantasies, but can it really replace the hot, steamy and horny attention received by a gay escort? This is especially true at the moment when lots of gay escorts are offering phone and video sex options!
When it comes to your innermost desires, two of the best ways to live out these fantasies are by watching porn or hiring the services of a gay escort. Both methods have advantages to them, and both boast beneficial effects which can better our lives, but which one of these options comes out on top?
Porn is a wonderful creation, it has been around since the dawn of time, when man would paint on walls of caves – not only would it educate, it was there to titillate too. Now, thousands of years on, with the wonders of technology at our fingertips, porn and the adult industry has really taken hold, as pretty much any fetish is catered for, and no fantasy is left untouched.
With this range of styles and easy accessibility you will be sure to find something which raises your temperature and gets your blood pumping. Porn can come in many formats, from films, to pictures, to cartoons to stories, all of which are highly erotic and enticing – and affordable, but there are many downsides when it comes to satisfying our adult needs in this manner.
The majority of websites will ensure that you have to join, and while you may get the first month free, thereafter you will need to supply them with your bank details, allowing them to deduct a membership fee each month. The integrity of some of the sites can leave a little to be desired and giving out highly personal information exposes your identity and important details open to third parties.
The online sites which offer free services can be a very dodgy with regards to viruses – and what is commonly known as “ransomware”. This is something which automatically downloads once you’ve clicked to play the video or visit the link to your desired feature. Instead of what should have been a relaxing experience, you are now faced with your system software locking down around you – until you pay the company a sum of money via the link provided – ergo, you’re held to ransom, hence the name of this malicious piece of software. So while it can be agreed that porn is a great invention which has served the needs of humanity since the dawn of time, it really can cause problems and isn’t as straightforward or cost-effective as it first appears to be.
If you so choose to live out your fantasies and needs by hiring the services of a local gay escort, then things are certainly simpler. Firstly, you know what you are getting, and there aren’t any nasty surprises. Your personal information is secure, as escorts pride themselves on discretion at all times. You know that you are paying for a quality service, and you should be aware of what services a high-class escort offers. If you are unclear on this, then at the time of booking, all these things can be addressed; being straight up is the best policy, as this will ensure you an even better experience than you would probably anticipate.
Hiring the services of gay escorts goes a lot further than letting a scene unfold in your head, of course, as you are experiencing them physically, one to one – or more if you so desire. Nothing beats the touch of another human being; it’s something we all naturally crave, so to put it as basically as possible, the attention of a gay escort wins every time over porn – or anything else for that matter.